Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Back to blogging...but not in the conventional sense

Okay, yes, I created a new blog even though I've sworn off blogging. I know, I know. In my defense, though, this blog will mostly likely not include any pictures of my family or cute stories about my kids (probably). So, you might wonder, what in the sam hill is this thing even going to be about? (I heard someone use that expression the other day and I've been dying to use it ever since!) Let me explain...

I recently figured out that I LOVE to cook. I also really enjoy baking. I'm not claiming any expert status or special talent here. I just really enjoy it. Nowadays, when babies are in bed or when I have a few free minutes at home (HA!) I'm poring over recipe books. I don't have any special cooking/baking equipment--although my Amazon Wish List has several items that are for that far-off day when I get my gourmet kitchen; if anyone feels like spending money on me let me know and I'll link you to my list--but I thought it would be fun to use a blog as a place to document menus, recipes and pictures of what I'm cooking...or thinking about cooking. I also thought if anyone else was interested, I could add team members to the blog and we could ALL share the yumminess in our lives! So...any takers?

Anyway, if you want, check back in anytime you'd like to see what's happening in my kitchen!


  1. Sam-hill! i love you katy, ive never actually heard it put so...um...'cleanly', but it works:) Not that that im an expert either, i do not claim that at all, but i'd love to be a part of this fun blog! so yah add me as a 'team member' :) love you katy dear!!

  2. I'm so excited! Most people read novels, I read cookbooks! Can't wait to see what you're cooking up with this blog (haha)!
