Saturday, July 18, 2009

Yummy, easy honey nut chicken

To be honest, I didn't have any nuts, so I did mustard in the egg/honey mixture instead, but this was super moist and soooo easy. Eric and I liked it, and it was really short prep time and dinner was ready in less than an hour. I'll just post the link so you can change the serving size if you need to.

Baked Honey Nut Chicken.


  1. Sounds yummy. What did you have with it?

  2. Our neighbor gave us some fresh corn she'd been shucking, and that was a great side for it.

  3. I like the recipe! I'm going to try it next week. I have the honey AND the nuts--and the corn on the cob, too! Thanks for the suggestion!

  4. Thanks for sharing. Of course I haven't cooked all week. Busy season. Enough said. I don't plan on cooking tomorrow, either. I wonder how long I can go without using my stove or oven... Don't worry. We're not eating out or anything. Just eating leftovers or sandwiches or other kid-friendly fare.

  5. I tried the recipe and loved it. So did Dad. Good one to keep in the recipe file! Thanks, Cindy!

  6. I didn't know anyone has been posting on this blog! I've been so out of it I guess I assumed everyone else was, too. Sorry! Sounds yummy and easy!
