Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Yam Balls

This is a recipe Marianne made for Thanksgiving years ago. Very good.

Yam Balls

2 pounds sweet potatoes (yams)

Brown Sugar topping:
1/2 c. packed brown sugar
3 T margarine
3 T water

Prepare and cook sweet potatoes: Heat enough salted water to cover sweet potatoes (1/2 t. salt to 1 c. water) to boiling. Add potatoes. Cover and heat to boiling; reduce heat. Boil until tender, 30-35 minutes. drain. Slip off skins.
Mash potatoes. Scoop up a handful of potatoes (please wash your hands first, you slob) and put a large marshmallow in the middle of it. Roll the ball in crushed Raisin Bran or corn flakes. Place ball in a 9 x 13 pan. Continue until all the potatoes are used up. Pour brown sugar mixture over all the balls. Bake at 350 until the potatoes are heated through.

Note: Marianne said she was guessing at the amount of yams, so you may need to make more of the brown sugar topping. I think you should just make more anyway. How could you ever possibly have enough brown sugar topping?

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